Sarah measuring outside the grid

Small piece of charcoal found, possibly from the galley

Photo for sponsors DATANET

Karen finishing her measuring

The turn of the bilge is found

Ceiling planking on the floors and futtocks

Missing section of ceiling planking

Pieces of sheet metal found with the gudgeons

The gudgeon reef

The concreted western gudgeon

Possible part of the sternpost

Glass shard found along the centre line

"Reddish ware" bottle neck sherd

The glaze still good, with little signs of sand abrasion

A possible bronze slag chip

More possible bronze slag chips

Testing the Explorer Boxes to see how waterproof they are for the sponsors

Andy trying very hard to sink an Explorer Box

Sponsored by Forward Diving Services

Having filled the explorer Box with lead, we were able to sink it, and the water proof seals held leaving the box water tight!

Jessica and Guillaume finish their square

David and Karen finishing theirs

Jessica and Vladimir start to disassemble the grid

Half the grid gone already

The square sections ready to be raised and taken back home

Showing starboard ceiling planking and missing sections, prior to being covered again
Dr. Bruce Terrell, NOAA Chief Archaeologist and Historian enjoying his inspection of ADMAT's Button Wreck Project

Dr. Spooner, having just surfaced from working on the wreck site, being interviewed by reporters on the success and importance of the project and the protection of the Cultural Heritage in the Florida National Keys Marine Sanctuary

Bruce's time to be interviewed

One of the press article photos, showing student John and Bruce Terrell working on the floors above the garboard strake on the wreck site