OK we have done the dry run now how do we do it underwater?

Some of the granite blocks from The Tile Wreck, waiting to be measured

OK lets get started

OK so who's cheating and pulled the plug?

May Loo demonstrating the correct way to pull a tape to Wesley and Jonathan

Peter Heyes learning how to pump the tanks

Mike Charter doing his pumping duties

The 4 pounder iron cannon (cannon No: 1) from The Tile Wreck ready for cleaning

The two anchors from The Tile Wreckabout to be cleaned. Note The Island Wreck big anchor is larger then these

The same cannon cleaned and the water being pumped back into the conservation tank

Cannon No: 2 from The Tile Wreck which has 67 terracotta floor tiles concreted to it having been drawn and cleaned by the students

The anchors some what cleaner

The two anchors from The Tile Wreck about to be cleaned. Note The Island Wreck big anchor is larger then these

Some of the artefacts from Monte Cristi Bay, being shown to the Team

Some of the artefacts from The Tile Wreck 1720's, being shown to the Team

More of the artefacts from The Tile Wreck 1720's, being shown to the Team