One of the strange blue hexagonal glass bottle bases in the coral

A close-up

The second blue glass bottle base with the same "blue" hue

The third blue glass bottle base

The fourth blue glass bottle base

Mike measuring the bottle bases in

Looking down the coral wall of the drop off which went down from 7m to 28m

Black spiny sea urchins were in abundance, but unlike their cousins in St Kitts on the White House Bay Wreck site, these thankfully remained static

Blue tangs which were in shoals

Peter getting back from a successful dive

More great coral

The trunnions of one of the larger cannons

Two iron cannons on the southern cannon pile

One of the nearly invisable gardians of the wreck site

Peter measuring

The sand gullies between the coral on the wreck site may well reveal other clues

Wesley looking on

The northern cannon pile