Black marks in the coral show the location of concretions
A shell in and amongst the coral
Mike and Wesley surfacing after another dive
Mike finding the 4 hr dive duration in tropical waters much better than Ontario cold water diving
A small piece of wood was found under the sand
Close up of the small piece of wood
Small blue flints were found. These would be knapped and used for flints on pistols and muskets. From first impressions these appeared tomatched those found on The Tile Wreck
Another large Brain coral to the south of the wrecking area. No large brain corals were found in the 200 sq meter wrecking area
The northern end of the island
Fire coral
Beautiful coral growths
A well formed brain coral in the shallows to the north of the wrecking area
Sea fans to the south of the wrecking area
More of the stone eating sea urchins
Small coral growth in the wrecking area
The rock eating sea urchins clearly undermining a piece of coral