View from the beach to the dive boat which is over the cannon piles

View of the northern side of the macro shipscape

Medium and small size round ballast stones

Larger round river ballast stones

A large round coral which has grown to the south of the wreck site

A mixture of rounded small river ballast stones and blue flints

New post wrecking coral growth next to granite blocks in the shallows

New post wrecking coral growth next to granite blocks in the shallows

Angular small ballast stones mixed with the round stones

There was always one of our friends watching us!

Impressive, this one was about 2 meters high

New staghorn coral growth on top of the destroyed coral on the deeper eastern side of the shipscape

The destruction of the coral during the wrecking process has created caves, all of which will need to be investigated

One of the granite blocks which has been eaten by the sea urchins

The first sugar press found

The second sugar press

Showing the front of the press

Showing through the press

The third press

This press was almost covered with coral growth

Looking accross to the mountains of the Island of Tortuga in the distance, beyond the island

The northen end of the island