Dr Ron and Simon start assembling the water dredges which would be used to remove the overburden of sand

The camp nearly finished

The dive centre takes up residence in the Tropical Container

Vandel Berry and his sons prepared an excellent dinner

Plenty of food

Vandel prepares to cut his home made cake

Sinclair has another piece of cake

Trip hazards are marked with white "mine" tape

The grid is underway

The bulls are everywhere

Kathy Schubert, Hazel Brooks and Dierdre Stubs start work on the artefacts

Writing up all the diving reports

Alan Gurevich working on the artefacts

A peaceful evening at White House Bay

Andy on tank pumping duty

View from Guana Hill

Looking across the bay to Guana Point

Capt. Amyas Godfrey puts the boats to bed for the night

Roberto Junco shows Tourist Amish and his Mother the base camp and equipment

Amish inspecting one of the pewter spoons from the wreck