The coastguard team arrive to assist

The strongest of the coastgard arrive to assist

The first of the pontoon boats is taken from the container. By the left..quick carry

The Coastguard manhandle the second heavy poontoon boat out of the GEEST Container

Many hands make light work

How to launch the boat without
scratching the paint

ADMAT's small flotilla of boats, one had a SEAGULL outboard made in 1943!

Eric Cocos starts work on the grid

The drill man Mathew Defelice

Mathew, Patrick Skinner and Simon

Nathalie Ann Lefebvre, Florence Prudhomme and Erick calculate how the grid will fit together

Patrick and Nathalie making calculations

Nathalie painting the Alpha numeric codes

The Grid begins to take shape

Marking prior to cutting the PVC

Each piece is measured to fit exactly

The fluorescent orange painted sections are added
Florence paints the cross pieces

Nearly done

Now the Tricky part

Lifejackets to add buoyancy

Watch out for the sea urchins

Floating the grid on site

The English ex-military pontoon boats proved excellent for housing the water pumps used to run the dredge