The first of the July August Team on route to The Tile Wreck site

The second Team on route to The Tile Wreck site

The ADMAT Maritime Archaeological Centre freshly painted

The first team had to load the boats from the shore, which was not as convenient as the Boat Club

Load up, time to go

Going across Monte Cristi Bayand then through the mangroves to get to The Tile Wreck site

The channel trough the mangroves to get to the bay

The humps of El Morrow in the background

The problem of hauling in the anchor in Monte Cristi Bay is that you have a tendency of getting very muddy, which John demonstrated

Ron being taught how to use the AX2000 proton magnetometer by Dr Spooner, as they tow the fish over the northern sectors of the wreck site

Getting ready to dive

Ron in the survey area where the magnetometer gave a hit and also where the last grenade was located

The team fitted a small liftbag to the steel dredge head to make it more manageable on site

The archaeological water dredge waiting to start, as it removed the thick mangrove mud, which covers the wreck site

Another grenade located in the side wall of the excavation

An another one, the Team were getting good at locating them by now

And another..

And another...

An unknown concretion, not a grenade

Ron with one of the grenades

A small piece of horse hair and tar which was used to cover the ships hull and to which the sacrificial planking was attached

The Team redeploy the dredge

Not everyone appreciates the sunshine!

The Team getting ready for another days hard work on site in 80+ deg water temperature

The trash pumps for ADMAT's archaeological water dredge were working well

Student Kim working on site

A broken and blackened two handle bowl with the yellow and green flower design. This is the second bowl of this type found, which was identified and gave the date of sinking to between 1720-24. Unfortunately both of them were not intact

Another terracotta floor tile is uncovered

The overbearing mud zone is removed, prior to a grid being deployed on this new section of the wreck

Surprise surprise... yet another grenade