Karen and Kathy sorting out dive kit

Dr Spooner briefs Capt. Hyatt

The NOAA flag which was flown during the project

Capt. Bob's boat

Frank gets to grips with the anchor rope

Capt. Bob instructs from the bridge

Capt. Hyatt leads the ADMAT flotilla

Capt. "JJ"

Capt. Bob

Hyatt's marvellous home

Docks on two sides!

Even a Tiki bar and cannon

Guillaume and Patrick

The flotilla heads off to the site

Capt "JJ" following in the wake

Auto pilot engaged

On the plane

Jessica enjoying the ride

Arriving near the wreck site in the shallows

Dive flag up, local regulations conformed with

RECCE dive party away

The central part of the wreck site is located

What a dive boat!

Capt. "JJ" rings in the dive details to NOAA

Capt. "JJ" asks "did you bring the sandwiches?"

Time to get a relax on the way home wave works

Capt. Hyatt deploys the second dive team