Raimund Krob supervising Steve Able and the team to conduct visual inspections on the tanks. Here the tank is lashed to an immovable object (the wall) so that the valve can be removed.

Raimund Krob showing Bob Yee (a NASA expert rocket Scientist) how to check the tanks prior to pumping them full of air.

Dr Simon Spooner pumping tanks while Jessica Piner conducts visual inspections.

Jessica enjoying cleaning the cannons and anchors from The Tile Wreck, prior to measuring and drawing them.

Steve Abell working on removing the algae from the tank.

The smile on the Boss’s face says everything about a successful operation.

Bob relaxing in the comfort of the vans seats. We had to remove some of the seats to enable us to transport diving equipment each day…21 scuba tanks, 300lbs of lead weights, 10 sets of dive equipment, 10 gallons of drinking water, 15 gallons of petrol for the trash pumps and 6 people and the list goes on and on…

Raimund about to give a course on outboard engine maintenance on ADMAT’s 15hp Mariner.

Team pratice on using the underwater gradiometer and metal detectors.

Connor Grzesiak takes a pause from filming to practice his skills on the gradiometer.