Off to the wreck site in a somewhat crowded fashion.

Buen Hombre, the beach where the wreck is nice and deserted.

The Team formulates the daily plan.

Steve Abell getting kitted up.
A happy Dr Spooner getting ready for his first dive.

The local fishing boats.

Dr Florence Prudhomme and Dr Louis Desvernay conducting a buddy check prior to their first dive of the season on Le Dragon.

A large iron bolt located on the far side of the wreck.

Some lead sheeting which was nailed to make repairs to the ships hull.

Cannon no 2 (9pdr Scottish Carron) covered with algae on the bow section of Le Dragon.

Part of two of the mainmast rings.

Our friendly batfish.

The grid is pre-cut painted and made ready on land first then taken apart and assembled on site.

Raimund Krob working to build the 1-meter squares on the grid.

Another row completed.

This section of the grid is not positioned where it was last year and ready for us to continue our documentation of the stern section of the ship.
Dr Florence Prudhomme after her dive, waiting to change tanks so she can continue her recording work on the grid.

Raimund Krob finished for the day, after 5 hrs underwater on the archaeological site.