The Team gets all the equipment assembled prior to the day starting

Steve Abell and Raimund Krob checking the trash pumps prior to the morning action.

Dr Florence Prudhomme frustrated that she has to wait for her turn to get out on site.

Steve Abell showing off his strength by carrying his tank and integral weight belt on his shoulder.

Raimund Krob and Connor Grzesiak conduct a buddy check prior to going diving.

Raimund Krob and Sandy working to get the trash pumps fitted in the yola.

Connor Grzesiak as the official Team photographer getting ready to be first in the water to get the best visibility.

The archaeological dredge boat operational.

The beach from a different direction.

Looking further beyond.

Dr Louis Desvernay about to dive.

Rami and Connor Grzesiak.

Jessica Piner ensuring the lay flat hose is unkinked prior to starting the archaeological water dredge.

Jessica Piner and Raimund Krob on the tailgate.

Raimund Krob and Steve Abell digging deeper to locate the target.

Steve Abell uncovering a target found with the geophysical equipment.

Steve Abell uncovers the hull planking Dr Prudhomme and Dr Spooner found in 2018.

Part of the Team, Louis, Rami, Florence, Sandy, Lt Venture, Raimund, Jessica and Connor.

Steve Abell carefully uncovering some hull planking.

As Steve Abell uncovers more the planking is found to have copper sheeting on the underside.

Steve Abell documenting the hull planking which was uncovered.

Steven Fhren ready to go diving on site.

The two copper sheeted pieces of hull planking

At one end the copper sheeting was bent at 90 degrees as if this was the top section of copper sheeting along the side of the lower hull.

On the edge of the copper sheeting, the square nail holes made by the bronze nails can be clearly seen.

Close up showing the trunnel locations.

One trunnel had an iron nail through the middle of it.

Cross-section showing the copper sheeting shaped to go round the upper edge of the hull planking.