The large concretion of multiple iron ballast bars on the port side. Resting on top are the broken remains of one of the main mast rings

Part of the starboard large concretion

Ends of individual ballast bars

One of the scattered iron ballast bars on the sea bed, uncovered by the winter storms

Another iron ballast bar

Four iron ballast bars buried up to the top in sand

Close up of another

Two iron ballast bars

Another two

Hand fanning arround the bar shows its extent

Two are uncovered within the survey grid

Another two are uncovered

Raimund Krob working in his square

The archaeological water dredge removing the sand from the hand fanning

Another four in Sq: Y2

Great care was to uncover them without letting the heavy iron bars damaging any other artefacts

A DSMB is used to take the weight of one of the iron bars

More iron bars are found deeper in the stratigraphy

The Team documents the position of the bars while the dredge keeps the visability

As the iron bars are documented they are removed and stacked on top of the starboard large iron ballast concretion

More are stacked

The large and small are stacked in order