Molten lead, probably created by the fire onboard after the wrecking

Storm clouds approaching the Centre

The tiller handle of the concreted swivel cannon

The barrel and the swivel on the upside-down cannon

The complete breach loading wrought swivel cannon, a rare artefact to be in complete condition

French blue and white Faienceware, showing a lady with a hat

The underside of this wall hanging decorative French Faienceware plate

topside showing a lady holding a line?

Side profile showing the hanging holes

A concreted iron axe head

Side profile of the “worm” found on site, which was used to clean out the cannons after firing

Looking at the concreted muzzle of Cannon No:1 from The Tile wreck during water changing

The worm showing the hollow shaft which was attached to the missing wooden long handle

One of the trunions on Cannon No:1 with the cap square and wood from the gun carriage still attached

One of the gun carriage truck pins concreted to the underside of the breach of Cannon No: 1

Student Max recording the anchors and cannons from The Tile Wreck during conservation water change