Patrick Enlow takes the helm for the geophysical survey
Indiana University PhD student Noah, taking a break from recording the GPS Positions
Noah deploying the proton magnetometer
Side Scan Sonar image of an interesting object on the top left hand side probably a man made object but the question being what is it?
Indiana University student Olga being taught how to use the Imagenex Side Scan Sonar by Patrick Enlow
A Side Scan Sonar image of the seaward side of the fringe reef at La Isabela, clearly showing the sand dunes on the shoreward side of the reef
The Side Scan Sonar fish misses a reef outcrop by 1 metre much to the relief of the Team
Indiana University Student Darrell
John Foster, senior State Archaeologist for the State of California in the foreground taking part in the survey
Patrick ensuing the geophysical unit is safely stowed before returning to base
Dr. Spooner, Indiana University student Jeana and Patrick
Jeana, Rami (ADMAT) and Lt. Reyes from the ONPCS (Archaeological Commission) relaxing after a hard day