A very friendly Aplysia Dactylomela nudibranch which has made the wreck site its home

An unidentified type of nudibranch

Many finds were found up to 1.59 meters below the hull. Here the hull planking is missing yet the granite blocks are located as if the ceiling planking was there

A possible truck pin found 1.67 meters from and 1.24 meters below the hull level

Granite blocks measured in, ready for lifting

Plenty of sediment in the water from the mangroves

At first the blackened parts of the blocks were thought to be fire soot related, but upon closer inspection on the surface it appeared to be organic discoloration

Good 90 degree cuts on one side

One of the granite blocks being raised

Two more blocks awaiting lifting

Guilo and Rami detaching the lift bag

Two blocks one on each side of the boat balanced it

A four pound cannon ball

A cargo lifting pulley hook, missing the wooden pulley

A frogfish found in the mangrove channel

The mangroves on the way to the wreck