Wreck Two Team finishes their maritime archaeological survey for 2017 — A.D.M.A.T

Wreck Two Team finishes their maritime archaeological survey for 2017

ADMAT's Wreck Two maritime archaeological team. The group successfully conducted the archaeological survey of this shipwreck, located in the historic Monte Cristi Bay on the north coast of the Dominican Republic.

ADMAT's Wreck Two maritime archaeological team. The group successfully conducted the archaeological survey of this shipwreck, located in the historic Monte Cristi Bay on the north coast of the Dominican Republic.

The two international teams under the leadership of John Downing from USA and Raimund Krob, from Canada have successfully finished this years survey of a new wreck called Wreck Two. The wreck was located last year, and an initial survey was undertaken last summer. This July the team spent a month on the wreck site, which is located in 12 meters in Monte Cristi Bay, on the north coast of the Dominican Republic.  The two Teams, who represented, Canada, USA, Dominican Republic and England, conducted a number of dives with geophysical equipment to survey the site. A small number of diagnostic artefacts were found and the Team will be researching these finds prior to reporting our findings.
