You will find below invitation for the photographic exhibit
"Archéologue en Amérique".
Dr Francois Gendron of ADMAT-FRANCE, which is based at the Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, has with his colleagues at the museum, put on a special photo exhibit of archaeological work in Latin Americas (Mexico, Bolivia, Peru and Dominican Republic). This will be presented from December 6th to December 23 at the famous INALCO (Institut national des langues et civilisation Orientales) in Paris.
Our maritime archaeological scientific work is the main atraction for the photographs selected of the Dominican Republic. Also there are some photographs exhibited of the Monte Cristi Carnival, taken by the Team. Each presentation have archaeological part and anthropological part, to show relation and interest of archaeologists for the local peoples and their culture.