ADMAT Arrives In Monte Cristi In The Dominican Republic
The famous El Morro mountain which dominates Monte Cristi in the Dominican Republic.
The Anglo-Danish Maritime Archaeological Team (ADMAT) and it’s US sub-division ADMAT USA, both non-profit organisations; are proud to announce that the team under the leadership of well known maritime archaeologist Dr. Simon Q. Spooner; have been given Survey/Inventory Permits by NOAA. The permits will enable ADMAT to conduct maritime archaeological surveys of a number of historic wrecks in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Reports generated by ADMAT will be used by the Sanctuary to help protect these important Maritime Heritage Resources.
The Anglo~Danish Maritime Archaeological Team (ADMAT) are proud to announce that the team are going to conduct maritime archaeological work in Monte Cristi. There are a number of important historical wrecks close to Monte Cristi. These include, the Faience Wreck, a French 1760's wreck, the Tile Wreck sunk between 1696 and 1730's, Le Casimir which sunk 1829 and a number of other sites.
The first phase of the project will last about a year and will, weather permitting, focus the teams efforts on the above wrecks.
Dr. Spooner stated upon releasing the exciting news:
“At ADMAT, we are all extremely excited about this opportunity to help protect the Underwater Cultural Heritage of the Dominican Republic. The north coast is a wealth if historic shipwrecks which all urgently need surveying before they are lost to storms and looters.”
Dr. Spooner can be contacted at
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