ADMAT’s New Survey Boat Passion Arrives In Monte Cristi

ADMAT’s new survey boat Passion during sea trials in Monte Cristi Bay
Searching For Shipwrecks With Passion!
After a lot of searching around all the ports and marinas for suitable geophysical survey boats, ADMAT finally found a vessel which will meet the requirements. She needs to have a shallow draft, low profile (unusual in American boat designs) to reduce the rolling in high seas, accommodation for up to 4 people and move fast when required.
As always when purchasing a vessel for multi tasking some compromise is necessary, but we felt that Passion would do fine for the inshore survey work. She has been fitted out with two side scan sonar's, one towable, two magnetometers, three dimensional sonar's and four computers for navigation, survey and geophysical surveys. Solar power keeps the batteries charged independently, and she has a range of about 100 miles at 19 knots.
She arrived from the south of the island, via flat bed truck and was lunched as Luperon. After leaving the south coast in the early morning, she arrived at the club ready to be launched in the mid afternoon, only to find there was a wedding and cars were blocking the way. So the boat had to wait till that was over and missed the high tide! Once launched she floated off the trailer at midnight. From there she went via sea the last 50 miles to Monte Cristi as the launching facilities in Monte Cristi could not handle a boat of her size.