ADMAT is delighted to issue this press release: – 15 April 2005
The non-profit Anglo-Danish Maritime Archaeological Team (ADMAT) is proud to announce that a new non-profit maritime archaeological division has opened in the U.S. The new organisation, which has filed for (Section 501(c)(3) Charity) status, is called ADMAT-USA.
Kathy Schubert, ADMAT USA's President, whilst on the Queen Mary 2 during ADMAT's "Excavating Shipwreck" Lecture Tour.
ADMAT-USA, based in New Jersey, has a mission statement of assisting the U.S. to preserve and record its historic shipwrecks and Underwater Cultural Heritage, enabling students and divers to participate.
ADMAT-USA’s President is Kathy Schubert, who has a background and degree in archaeology from Monmouth University. Two weeks ago, during Dr. Spooner’s (President and Co Founder of ADMAT) “Excavating Shipwreck” Lecture series on-board the Queen Mary 2, Kathy Schubert stated:
“This is a great opportunity for students and divers to take active part and help preserve and record the exposed shipwrecks around the U.S. Coastline. Our first project will be in the Florida Keys and will enable unknown shipwrecks to be recorded in detail. We welcome all interested parties to take part in whatever way they can”.
Further information on ADMAT-USA can be found on Kathy Schubert can be reached at
End of release.