St Kitts Maritime Archaeological Project - Loading Completed

Jeremy Schomberg, Andrey Shrimpton and Simon Spooner with the fully loaded Geest Containers going to St Kitts.
In late February we were informed that most of the equipment that was to be loaned to us by the British Army for the St Kitts Maritime Archaeological Project's base camp, was needed in the Gulf War. This created a major problem in that we needed to find replacement equipment in under a week to make the shipping deadline. Andy and Jeremy achieved nothing short of a miracle in obtaining all the necessary equipment from friends, scout units, Rutlish Combined Cadet Force, 151 Regiment PLC (V) and the Bank of England Sports and Social Club.
The team members who put all the equipment together and then assisted in transporting it down to Southampton were:
Chris Arnold, Christine Nielsen, Dr. Toby Parker, Jeremy Schomberg, Andy Shrimpton and Simon Spooner. We also thank Geest Shipping for their kind assistance in the shipping of the equiment as well as assisting us with loading the boats.
The loading of all the equipment on the 22nd February 2003 was at last finished. Two 20ft containers were kindly loaned by Geest Line who are also shipping them to and back from St Kitts. As we are setting up a base camp on the beach, we are taking all that we need as well as the diving and boat equipment. Jeremy Schomberg and Andy Shrimpton have done a marvellous job in getting all the necessary camping equipment.